Twitter has Blocked the Download Animated Avatars

Twitter has Blocked the Download Animated Avatars

Twitter lock was undocumented ways to set animations profiles. What is reported today publication BuzzFeed.
The background information is Twitter black and white set of nepodderzhanii download animated gif image format. Yet in many ways users managed to bypass instruction. Henceforth as any downloaded animated image takes the form of static.
The only thing it should be noted that these restrictions will have a direct effect only on newly uploaded avatars not to touch the image of the downloaded by users before. Past remain in the system in the same animated form. Previously imposed rule is essentially "Filkin charter", the newspaper reminds.
Carrying out such an action was not unexpected and has long been assumed: animation works only on the site, but in the Tweetdeck application. Official clientele service shows instead of completely static, fixed image.

A few words about the service. The idea to create such a service owned by Jack Dorsey. Mikroblogovy service launched officially in 2006, and by the end of 2012 Twitter has been registered according to unofficial sources, about half of users. Nick originally used only one profile picture, but since September 18, it became possible to insert photos for "caps." They are used as a backdrop for the user names as avatars and use of data in the form of a personal nature.

Following the discovery of the site was added to the opportunity to send personal messages, developed an application programming interface API for integrating Twitter with various programs and those of other areas, such as messenzhery using Jabber.

Initially, the site did not exist limitations in 140 characters, and long messages simply broke into small delivery through SMS.
The largest number of subscribers had two users Twitter, which is Britney Spears, Lady Gaga. In 2009, the founders of Twitter have been officially listed by Time magazine in the list of the most influential personalities in the world.
The first Russian words on the microblog, the word "rain." Subject rain was followed by the most popular on the service after the past few years of rainfall during the abnormally hot summer in central Russia.

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