Pirates against piracy

Pirates against piracy

As it became known to the official data of the news magazine Focus. In Germany, around the book Julie Schram (Julia Schramm), which is a member of the Pirate Party of Germany, serious scandal erupted. Many people were outraged by the idea of ​​the fight against illegal distribution and copying of books, a man who played for the full availability of any information. What Julia Scar publicly accused of dualism many of its fans.
Pirate Party of Germany, in accordance with their political views, supports the idea of ​​absolute freedom in the exchange of information on the Internet and free access to data, regardless of their content, be it art or entertainment content. The very same Julia Schramm called "disgusting" the idea of ​​ownership of intellectual property.

The book was published under the title "Click me. Confessions Internet exhibitionist "which highlights the problems of the world network, in particular its ethical and legal aspects. The ending of the book is marked with the words of Julia scar that "Internet involves a complete loss of control." "I think it's great." Of course getting from the publisher Albrecht Knaus Verlag revenues of 100 thousand euros, political ideas and can put on the backburner. Scar and Julia decided to fight for intellectual property.

Prehistory is a scandal. Even before the official release of the book, on the shelves on September 17, someone posted on the website link to download the book and the program Scar Pirate Party using the social network. Information is spread very quickly. But publishers to react in time and through his lawyers, has made a ban on downloading free copies of books and remove all references to the name of Julia Scar.

In an interview with Die Welt Julia Schram stated that some of her statements used in the book can be found in the free enjoyment of the blog. Full copyright of the publisher, it can get in ten years, after which Julia has promised to put a complete book for everyone.

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