Stephen William Hawking

Stephen William Hawking

Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, UK. He graduated from Oxford University.
Stephen Hawking is known for his achievements in the field of cosmology and quantum gravity. He studied in detail the black hole and came to the conclusion that they evaporate due to the phenomenon, which is called "Hawking radiation." In 2004, the scientist gave an explanation of the paradox of the disappearance of information in black holes. Hawking is also known as a popularizer of science and the author of many best-selling books, including the book A Brief History of Time.
Since the 1960s, Hawking suffers from motor neurone disease and confined to a wheelchair. In 1985, he contracted a severe form of pneumonia, and the doctors had to give him a tracheotomy because of which he lost his speech. For three decades, as a scientist suffering an incurable disease - multiple sclerosis, in which the motor neurons gradually die, and the person becomes more and more helpless.

Hawking communicates with the world through a special computer synthesizing human speech. Some mobility retaining only the index finger of his right hand, with which he controls the computer.

Scientist working at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, where he studies the motion of the universe. At Cambridge University, Stephen Hawking has served Lukasovskogo professor of mathematics, which at one time held the Isaac Newton.

The main area of ​​research Hawking - cosmology and quantum gravity. His greatest achievement - the application of thermodynamics to the description of black holes and the development of a theory that black holes evaporate as a result of the phenomenon known as Hawking radiation.

Despite serious illness, Hawking leads an active life. The famous scientist has three children. In January 2007, he flew in zero gravity in a special plane. In addition, Hawking appeared several times in the animated series The Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama, where the voice itself, as well as in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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