Hackers have stolen from the Japanese company Sony about 400 customers

Hackers have stolen from the Japanese company Sony about 400 customers

The famous and the largest company in the world - electronics manufacturer Sony (Japan) said that hackers have obtained access to your data to one of its mobile units, namely, the customer name and e-mail addresses. Reuters reported on this incident on September 5.
George Boyd (George Boyd), a representative of Sony, said that the attackers came into possession of information about the company's 400 customers in Taiwan and China. Hackers managed to get this information from the server, which is owned by certain suppliers.
At the same time, George Boyd assured that the servers of the company Sony are still intact, but the company Sony from time to time to provide necessary information to their partners about their customers for various activities. George Boyd also convinced them that no credit card information of their customers were stolen by hackers.

In his microblog hackers group NullCrew September 3 announced hacking Sony. The same hackers published the email addresses of dozens of users and their logins. Also published some passwords that allegedly belong to the compromised server administrators. In comments to the document hackers said that this is just one of the 8 servers of Sony, they are under constant supervision.
In turn, Sony spokesman said the source of the attack is still unknown.
It should be noted that Sony has been attacked by hackers earlier and repeatedly. For example, in 2011, was hacked several online services, Sony, so that the Internet got all kinds of information about tens of thousands of users.

In addition to hacking and information, owned by Sony, in early September, the hacker group NullCrew told about the attacks committed by the Government of Cambodia to the sites. These attacks followed immediately after detention by the Cambodian authorities Gottfried Svartholm (Gottfrid Svartholm) - one of the founders of The Pirate Bay.

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