Insiders helped crack the Saudi Aramco.

Insiders helped crack the Saudi Aramco.

The internal network of the company was running a virus Shamoon, who will remove the information from computers.
In Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil company, Saudi Aramco has lost information on 30 thousand computers that have been infected by a virus. Suspect there are some insiders who have a lot of information that is not wide publike. Schitaetsya that hackers have used their help. At the same time, this assistance from an insider in a country where there is no freedom of speech and dissent is something surreal.

One of the world's largest news agency Reuters informs, referring to the investigation of the victim.
Hackers launched Shamoon virus into the network of the company and, therefore, to remove all information from the company's computers. From the words of the representatives of Saudi Aramco damage is negligible, only computers were hacked office - software systems, including supervision of operations are not affected, but Saudi Aramco had to completely disconnect from the Internet pending a full recovery infrastruktury. Saudi Aramco did not specify the direction of the attack and its purpose.

Hackers activists The Cutting Sword of Justice («Chopping sword of justice") pleaded culprits hacking a computer network of the oil company, and they have denied rumors of insider help. At the moment, they claim their possession of classified information Saudi Aramco and ambulance of publication, but has publications to get information there. Hackers also promised to double its forces to counter the oil companies and break them on again.
Before the end of the internal investigation oil company does not explain about the possibility of participation in hacking insiders, announcing the cause: «Saudi Aramco does not comment on rumors and speculation during the investigation."
The Cutting Sword of Justice voiced purely politically motivated attack on the Saudi Aramco. From the words of hackers - the company is financed by the Government of Saudi Arabia, who were involved in the unrest in Syria and Bahrain.

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