V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta

V Mean Vendetta
September 12th of this year in the second half of the day was hacked official website administration Kherson region, Ukraine. Suspect to the crime was some hacker movement Anonymous, glows above your "funny" character mask of Guy Fawkes, used in the film «V for Vendetta," and left on Wednesday at the home page. Under the guise of "flaunted" Unfinished strange record "Before the beginning of a new information age in Kherson left ..." and the counter, which could be seen the figures with value time 11 hours 46 minutes and a few seconds countdown. Comments on the Events were not. However in the microblog Ukrainian group Anonymous has so far confirmed that the site was indeed hacked, although the causes of the hacker is not seen.
Nationality of the hacker gang is unknown, because it probably is not one, as well as the unknown number of participants, and there may be an immense amount.

Earlier, the hackers already hacked sites activists of Ukrainian government, and institutions, and financial institutions around the world.

Official site of the Kherson region of Ukraine earned 13 September. It turns out that the hacker attack that lasted day ended. Changes to the site is not observed.

Recall that the hacker movement Anonymous in a campaign # Op Save The Arctic order to support Arctic published personal data of users of sites of "Gazprom", "Rosneft", as well as Shell, Exxon and BP. In early August this year, they have requested that three whole of government websites. This was done as a protest against the decision of Ukraine, which threatened to close the famous torrent Demonoid. They also came up with the threat of "off the Internet," on March 31 in the course of major surgery # opGlobalBlackout. Goals hacktivists became sites of companies Sony, PBS, the U.S. Senate website, the website CIA, the FBI, the Recording Industry Association and kinoproizvodyaschih companies RIAA and other resources.

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